How do I save and find a shared scan in TOS

Simpler Trading Team

Shared links in TOS always following the format www.tos.mx/abcdef where “abcdef” can be a combination of number and upper and lower case letters. 

In Thinkorswim, select the Setup button (gear icon) in the upper right corner, this will bring a menu down. 

Use CTRL + V on a PC and Command + V on a Mac to Paste the shared link into the “Shared item URL:” field. 

Make sure there are no spaces before of after the link you pasted, or it may not load correctly. 

Click Preview.

If you have pasted a valid link, the window will change and let you know what you are about to open. 

Rename the scan if you like. 

Name it something descriptive. 

Another window will open.
Click “Scan”. 

If you don’t see all the filters in the scan, just click and drag the divider down to reveal the other filters.

See below video here: 

To recall the scan for later, just click on the “scan” tab and choose “stock hacker”.
Left click on the menu in the top right corner of the window. 

**NOTE: Only live accounts have access to the stock hacker in TOS.

From the “Show Scan Query” menu, find your saved scan to re-load it. 

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