Earnings Analysis display error on Tradestation

Simpler Trading Team

Earnings Analysis for Tradestation is no longer supported.

Display Errors

Wrong time frame

This indicator must be used on a daily chart.
If applied to an intraday chart then the data will not display properly.

60-minute time frame: 

Daily time frame: 

Wrong input setting

If the ticker has changed its earnings from Pre-market to Post-market or visa versa, change the “postMarketRelease” setting in the inputs.
Go to:
customize studies & strategies > customize > customize Indicator > inputs
Change true to false, or vice versa. 

Divide by zero
TradeStation does not handle checks for dividing by zero well. 

If youreceive a divide by zero error, close and reopen the chart or wait till a later time for the data to update.

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